The List Lady

By listlady

Drizzly Beach

Today is Alex's 4th birthday, so our day started with present opening and much excitement, including me having an emotional mummy moment - where did the last four years go? Where has my baby gone?

Fortuntately for the rest of the family, I quickly moved on from the emotion to the practical of getting ready to go away for a few days.

Having arrived at our caravan site in cloud, it at least waited until we had the awning up until the drizzle arrived. We set off to Cromer to find a fish & chip shop then drove off to find a beach car park. As it was raining properly by this time, we sat in the car and ate our tea looking out to sea. Or at least trying to make out the sea from the sky in the drizzle.

This shot was taken looking towards East Runton beach, I just loved the scene of the lonely man on the drizzly beach.

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