Guess who

is still awake (23:07). Here he is grumping that I'm taking a picture rather than getting my pyjamas on.

Been a very very very very long day. It's been rushed, stressful, exhausting.

It's not been all bad though, it's been a great day of teaching from someone anointed in the prophetic.

I think I'm just exhausted.

Still processing.

Need food and drink and insulin and bed. All desperately.

Steve was out babysitting for one of the Elders with Ben while I went out for a further (impromptu) prophecy session this evening. Their kids went to bed 8.30pm on the dot.

Two hours later Ben was still full of beans.... That's what happens when he's out all day, doesn't sleep, then gets grumpy at tea time and has an hour and a half nap.

Home now.....


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