Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

To The Moon

Well, what a day!

It started fairly normally - brief lie in, pancakes and so on, but then we got into the car and headed for London, or more precisely, Stoke Newington, where the Wonderspouse's New Libertines were performing at the Stoke Newington Literary Festival.

After negotiating closed tube lines and so on, we arrived at a dark, cave-like basement, and I sat quietly in the corner for a couple of hours reading my current Kindle book on my iPhone.

Then it all started happening - people arrived. Lots of people. More people than the venue could take, up the stairs, crammed in anywhere they could. We were treated to 6 readings in the first half, and 6 in the second half - a variety of poems, extracts from novels, short pieces, and even some academic history of Gothic London (which was utterly fascinating).

In the middle of all these words (words being things I have to concentrate on VERY hard), there was sweet and wonderful music from To The Moon, who are utterly fab! MJ and Dennis played a great set, and, as usual, the music captured my attention in a way that words never will. To The Moon can also be found on facebook and twitter and are a couple of great guys!

After reading was finished, the Wonderspouse and I headed off to the other side of London to meet with the wonderful authoress of these amazing words. It was so fantastic to see her - she's one of my favourite people in the whole world, and she's helped me out of some really really dark places.

Then, since my feet were so badly blistered that I could hardly walk, we got on a bus (yes, a bus, even though much of the time I can't cope with them we decided we couldn't ACTUALLY afford to get a taxi) and just sat there until we got back to Euston, where we'd left the car.

Once home it was back to normality again - clearing up after the feline five, a bit of supper, bath and bed!

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