
By PicturePoems


"How much wood would a woodpecker peck, if a woodpecker would peck wood?"

In this case, it's peanuts the woodpecker would peck, if it didn't keep being startled away by my attempts to photograph it. I've tried nearly every day but, with only a window as a hide, and a pretty basic camera, I'm not having much luck.

You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, and if you can't hide it, flaunt it, and other such sayings to support my cop-out: I've gone for an arty impression of my woodpecker feeding, using Photoshop to enhance the best of a bad bunch.

As this is my 200th blip, I was aiming for something special. Seeing a woodpecker in the garden, is still special to me, and as this is primarily a picture-journal (I'm never going to be a star-photographer), this is my pick for today.

It's also kind-of appropriate (how I've grown to hate that overused word!) to use Photoshop as, when I started blipping last November, I didn't have the software - but it was Blipland that made me choose it for my birthday prezzie back in January. It is fun and inspires creativity. Even if the clever stuff has been done by computer programmers, choosing what to apply and how to each original photo makes the result unique.

Enough justifying! Hope you like it. I know it doesn't matter whether you do or you don't, but over the past six months I discover I do value your opinions. Thank you for taking the time to call, comment, make friends, chuckle and sigh with me. And thank you to Blip Central for providing the platform.

Enjoy the remainder of the weekend, folks.

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