The Keendom

By lookeengood

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Today, I took Baby K went to a parent and grand-parent club where Grandma Pat had a chance to see where I take Baby K and Baby K loved having her Grandma there to play. It was a shame for the organisers as there was only one other family there, however that just meant more scones for us and free run of the place for Baby K.

We then went and did a little bit of shopping where I bought Baby K her first tea set. It has now become her favourite toy. She even fell asleep holding her tea cup! Every little girl should have a tea set and I am please she now has hers!!!

Grandma gave Baby K her dinner tonight... it was a good job she was stripped down to her nappy as more of it fell on Baby K then landed in her mouth!!!

(This picture makes me laugh as you can see how orange she is however is having a diva moment, no more pictures Mummy!!)

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