H2 is playing at blipping

By H2


It seemed only right to blip a picture from Peteroo's party today. The weather was kind and despite the dodgy forecast we spent most of the afternoon outside.

Peteroo is pictured here, in bliss. He is eating chocolate (treasure found in one of the treasure chests blipped yesterday), dressed as a pirate, and deep in conversation with his godfather Peter.

"Big Peter" is one of the most amazing people I have the privilege to know. Both his day job and what he does voluntarily are very influential, he is both deeply intelligent and astoundingly wise, he has a cheeky sense of humour and if he knew how much I admire him he would be mortified because amidst all his brilliance, he is genuinely humble. He is a godly, gentle and generous man, with such a fantastic sense of proportion that he cut short his preparation for a talk he is giving this evening so that he could come, sit on the grass and talk to his godson at the small boy's birthday party.

I promised him I wouldn't publish the pictures I took of him doing the hokey-cokey...

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