Praise, Prayer & Communion

This morning I felt out of step during the worship at the morning services and yet I got the message loud and clear. WAIT! TRUST!

Right now I feel I am in as one friend described it "God's waiting room" as we get ready for the next phase of life. I just feel a bit nervous about selling the house. When will we get a buyer?

So it helped tonight as I stood up to lead our "Praise, Prayer & Communion" service (a little idea I came up with which seems to work nicely for folks and give them a space to come to the Lord) things just slotted into place. Yes I'm still nervous about selling the house, but the Psalm I picked (47) fitted unexpectedly well with the worship songs that spoke heaps to me.

That although God can see into our hearts, he still loves us. That we are clothed in Royal Robes we don't deserve and just what God did sacrificing His son on the cross for us...

Then the space to pray before communion is so helpful before coming to the communion table.

So I blipped the projector before the service as the worship band practiced!

Trust, trust, trust. <aimed at me!

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