Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty


This is a back-blip as we've just spent the week in New Quay, Wales and the whole week was spent without computers!!! Very difficult - not just for the kids - I definitely suffered withdrawal symptoms and it took me until about Wednesday to relax and enjoy the holiday.

This was taken through the car window as we travelled along the coast road in Cardigan Bay. We arrived to beautiful sunshine and, as you can see, the area is stunningly beautiful.

Not much else happened really during the day - I spent ages packing and leaving the house without too much dirt or washing to come home to so we were quite late arriving. The kids went and played footy as soon as we arrived - it was our second year at the same caravan (which belonged to a friend) so they didn't need to do that whole 'let's go exploring' malarkey. After that we went out for tea and collapsed in front of the tv.

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