So it Goes...

By marsen

Gate Access

Today its amazing outside.
It's so sunny outside.
And I don't know what, but I'll probably be kicking myself in the teeth later for posting a B&W photo on a day like today.
Today I really enjoyed my friend Kate's blip today.
This is what I would love to do.
And I probably will have to sometime
Today I got most of the stuff needed to get done, done.
I just have one more big project coming up.
And after that It's Spring Break all the way to Florida.
Going there and playing some Soccer.
I'll bring the camera with me also.

I'd hate to say it but I think im going to take a nap on this sunny day.
Wiped out from yesterday's all nighter.

Shots from Last Night...

Chance Dancing
Haley Through Halls
Showcase Lights

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