Linda McCartney Project

By lindaproject

#109 Sunday Brunch... for dinner!

So I made my own veggie sausages today (well with a little help from a packet of sausage mix) but Linda gave a recipe to perk the packet mixture up with adding an egg and lots of fresh herbs!

As we had this for dinner I substituted Linda?s suggestion of toast for potato wedges!

Husband was very sceptical about the veggie sausages (and who can blame him after yesterdays fiasco) and so opted for the meat alternative (booooo!) but then helped himself to the veggie option and said he was surprised that they were actually delicious!!!

Linda's recipe also included a tomato sauce which was a great alternative to baked beans but I think if made it again I would have put a few more herbs in.

This dinner was proper comfort food and perfect for a quick Sunday night dinner and made enough for leftover sausages for lunch tomorrow... although one has a bite taken out of it which I will be interrogating the husband about later!

In other news we went to see the Hangover 2 this evening... it was funny but not hilarious, the ben and jerry's ice cream was a highlight ;-)

So the scores on the doors...

Taste? 4/5
How much is the husband missing meat? 4/5 (if only had veggie sausages
Ease to make? 4/5
Likelihood to make again? 3/5
How much of help/hindrance was husband? 4/5
TOTAL - 19/25

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