Colin McLean

By ColinMcLean

T in your G anyone?

Each summer - and this will be the sixth - we have a garden party for our musician friends. An afternoon* of live music, banter, food and drink, and of course sunshine. Our T in the Park.

We call it T in the Garden, or T in the G as it has become known. Musical careers have been launched (and wrecked) at T in the G, but it's great fun.

And each year I try to think of a new theme for the invitation. Too much time was spent this afternoon trying to photgraph tonic splashing into a gin with ice and lemon. As I may have mentioned earlier, my glamorous assistant had to drink the glass every time we had to re-shoot. Just as well we were using sparkling water.

The final design of the invitation has yet to come.

* it can go on - 2.00am is the record....

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