
So I was seriously overwhelmed by all of the comments and views on my 365th blip! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH.
I'm going to start off this new year by writing more. I'll admit it, I've been lazy and just really boring when it comes to the writing part of this thing lately. So it's my goal to try and write more on here. I went to church twice today, got thai food, fell off the hammock and ate a fudgie pop today.

I am honestly just so ready for summer.
Already starting to plan, here's a list of things that I plan on doing (I really like lists):

1. Visit/volunteer at the Elephant sanctuary in Tennessee

2. My FIT class

3. Go to Washington D.C. for two weeks for another class

4. Sit on a rock and collect my thoughts

5. Figure out where I'll be living? Maybe move somewhere else. Um who knows at this point.

6. If I do move, I'm going to work on my room. My bed will be built into a book case.

7. If I do move, I'll express my isolation through moody creepy self portraits using my new pond.

8. Get a hammock no matter where I live.

9. People will probably drag me to the beach no matter how much I hate it.

10. Visit the Alpacas.

11. Eat.

12. Sleep.

13. If I do move, I'll have a lot of head injuries because the house was originally designed for rich children in the 1800s. I'm taller than all the doorways.

14. Meet new people. Maybe ones that I like. I rarely find people like that.

15. Get a new bike and ride it everywhere.

16. Get sick from my sunburn or be accused of vampirism.

17. Not dwell on the past.

18. Get better at photography.

19. Be less blunt/bitchy.

20. Don't shut people out and keep the peace~

Yeah, I still have some other things planned. Just can't remember much. All I know is I'm like completely booked til August fifth and then ELEPHANT SANCTUARY HERE I COME.

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