Framing the Fort

By TheHairyCoo

Dirty Protest

The story here lies not in the PJ bottoms, but the nappy contained therein.

Warning: a stinky nappy lies at the heart of this story. Although it does have a happy ending.

My wife was cooking & I was just out of the shower when Miss Geek told us her little brother had filled his nappy. We were just doing that "how slowly can I do this so my spouse will get the nappy" reverse race when my daughter said something which got her Mum sprinting. Fearing the worst, I flew down the stairs, only to meet my wife carrying the wee fella, now naked from the waist down, very carefully toward his changing table.

My daughter had told her he'd taken off his own nappy.

Cursing my previous slothfulness, I enquired after the state of the carpet. Spills are my job (I make so many I've become an effective carpet cleaner).

Turns out the wee fella had thoughtfully de-nappied outside on the deck.

What's more, not a drop had spilled. His feet had caught not a drop of the frankly eye-watering contents.

This is how I found his pyjamas & nappy. Abandoned but cleanly so.

I'm so proud of my son.

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