frowning over hedges

Despite the almost-finished Crichton Street Car Park Building being illuminated to the very gunwhales I bypassed it as someone else with a camera was standing where I would have needed to stand so I just carried on to the lamp-post which was catching the moon nicely on the way home yesterday and which was doing to again today.

Although I'm wary about doing stuff like complain about things in writing in case I suddenly age thirty years overnight and start standing behind hedges frowning at young people I may very well punt a quick email or two in the direction of the university if they insist on leaving the building fully-lit all and every night. They might be thankful to finally have it almost-ready after more than two years of swearing, spitting, leching builders stealing the pavement but there are better ways of celebrating than wasting electricity.

Maybe a bit more tomorrow. Maybe not. I shall see. Maybe I'll have forgotten what I did today by then.

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