Looking At You Now, You Would Never Know....
This is a little stone a Native American gave me on Saturday.
I did mention it laughingly in passing, but to be honest, I'm quite touched by it.
There were a lot of people standing at the stall, most of them all manhandling his wears, more than I was. I could feel their stares as he leaned over and took my hand in his, and placed this little turquois stone in my palm. He closed my fingers around it and said "This is luck for you".
He didn't give any others out while I stood there; but that's not to say he didn't pass 200 out during the course of the day, but for a moment, I felt special.
I believe in things being presented to you for a reason.
One day, I was torn between staying in a job, which was to be honest a walk over. I could have stayed and been bored, but been paid to be bored; or I could leave and forge a new career. I had no idea what to do. I was terrified. On the day I had to make my decision, I sat at the dining room table and a book fell off the book case.
"Feel the Fear and Do it Any Way". Ha, I hear you laugh, one of your many self-help books. Honestly? I don't have many, and I, nor anyone else in the house remembers buying this one. I don't even know where it is now, and I never read it. But what I did do, was walk into work and hand my notice in.
So the little blue stone, is currently sitting in the soil next to Monica, in the hope that perhaps a little bit of the luck will rub off and help Monica perk up a bit.
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