Chasing Rainbows

By Clairenichols

Size Matters

I reckon i've been on pretty much every diet out there over the past 15 years. What can i say i have a sweet tooth. I guess you could call me a yo-yo dieter.

I've never been obese but overweight yes, as us 5ft midgets don't need to consume much,
however, succumbing to pregnancy glutton had left me at my heaviest. Ok i lost a fair bit after the birth but i still have 2 stone to go to get back to normal and i kinda stalled over easter time due to choccie temptation.

There is 1 major thing missing from today's shot and that is the key item 'willpower'. If i could bottle it and sell it i'd be a very skinny millionnaire by now :-) i'm hoping willpower increases soon.

So here i go back on my battle to lose the remaining weight and drop a couple of dresses sizes. I've got to, as none of my work clothes will fit when i return next month :-(

End of Day one...feeling hungry but stuck to my plan.

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