an image of teamdel

By teamdel

And Relax

Last week was Wife and my wedding anniversary but we took the day off today and celebrated it today. Whilst the little ones went to nursery we pottered around the shops, went to a spa for a couple of hours followed by a lovely lunch.

I was planning to blip Wife today looking refreshed after the spa but then we saw this pigeon in Greggs the bakers. We could tell from the way it was clearing up the crumbs this was not the first time it had done this. I don't think I will be going to Greggs for a while.

It was amazing to spend some time together on our own and the spa really help us relax for once which was lucky as when we got the kids home they were ,as usual for a Monday, completley on one, full of beans.

The fulness of the beans were also probably due to the excitment of the replacement slide arriving and being set up for when they got home. As half expected it ended in tears and the slide had to be hidden away.

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