Slip sliding away

With the Big Rain last night (a full two inches according to my discarded pots full of water), the snails are fair loving their slidey freedom. Some had even managed to break into the guinea-pig trio's enclosure. They're all marked in light blue now.

It was a Monday Monday today - too dark, too early and too worky. A moment of sunshine came when I met Jennie for lunch. I complimented her on her style. She's nigh on seven months' pregnant and she's ever so 50s fashionable, with fab colours and cuts. We chatted over veggie sausage sandwiches and chips, and promised to meet up before she heads off on maternity leave in the not-too-distant future.

I managed a whole hour of piano practise tonight. I think I see a slight improvement with one of the pieces. Slowly does it, a bit like Mr Snail.

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