
By lifeandstuff

Hubby is annoying the cat again

He is winding him up, and complaining when he keeps whacking him in the face with his tail.

Not a bad day. Evening ha been spent organising the house and my brain. Looking good, well, better. Doc went well, though she suspects I might have labyrinthitis, which doesn't really have a treatment or a cure, and can take a long time to go away completely. On looking it up on the computer it seems pretty accurate. :-( mind you, no more severe dizzy spells or panic attacks today, just a sore lug and head. She has given me antibiotics to rule out an ear infection. So fingers crossed that they work. Hey ho....

Took the wee one for a nice lunch and to a little park, before donating mountains of stuff to charity, including a little scooter, which she scooted into the shop and said to the lady at the desk "I would like to donate my scooter please" bless. I persuaded her to start to donate one thing, each time we buy something new. So, much of the day was clearing. Clearing my house, and my mind, hoping that a less cluttered house might relax me more in an attempt to get rid of this freaky illness thang. ach... I can but try. :-)

Hope you had a nice day. :-) xx

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