Serious Sawdust and Shavings

We played pickleball outdoors today -- so much nicer to be out in the fresh air. Although I enjoyed playing, my concentration wasn't as good as it should have been because I was eager to get back to The Workbench to start my next project. It's a simple bench for C to sit on when she changes her shoes on the porch to work in the garden.

I have some redwood lumber that's followed me through half a dozen or so changes of address in the last 40 years, and I've finally found a use for it. Redwood is easy to work with and lasts forever outdoors, but it has a tendency to produce nasty splinters. I always forget to wear gloves until I get stabbed a couple of times.

I was enjoying myself so much that it was hard to tear myself away, even for the delicious Thai meal prepared by C. I went back and did a little more work after dinner.

I'd forgotten how much mess you can make with a router. I had to vacuum myself before going back upstairs.

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