Looking Up
Looking up in more ways than one - not only under this tree with its fine branches but also those back blips are coming to an end - thats pretty cool!!
We were lucky today to have some sun and a little wind, a good day for drying the washing I thought - hmmm, as soon as I had put it out the wind dropped and it hung lifeless from the line! It didn't dry as the sun disappeared and the day turned grey and dull - lucky I got my blip done in the morning!!
It was also a day of earthquakes - yip, a 5.5 was a real humdinger with several more throughout the day - surely they have to end soon!!
Other news Daughter A will be home towards the end of the month, really looking forward to seeing her. Shes fit and well now and thankfully didn't have Glandular Fever, we are relieved. Daughter E's formal dress is coming along nicely and nearly finished, just waiting on the hem - exciting!!
Hubby is good and pleased to have me home again, although Daughter E cooked all the meals while I was away and they must've been pretty good because the baked beans are still in the pantry!!
I'll head away now as I still have one more backblip to do. If anyone is interested in following my journey in the North Island the backblips start here.
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