Don't Look Back

By JEP27

Aladdin's Cave

I want to tell everyone on blip about my exciting trip to the ladies today...

We went to Carlisle and decided to get some lunch while we were there. We went to John Watt's Coffee Shop. After eating Dawn went to pay and I collected my coat and camera bag and headed off for the loo.... downstairs, round corners, "through cages" , past sacks with coffee beans in, then round the corner and there was ALL THIS! I had to get my camera out to show you all.

Please look at the others I have put on Flickr and see all the amazing stuff that is there.

I was talking to the owner who took over in 2003, he was telling me all about the history of the place and about the previous owner who collected all these artefacts. The previous owner started working in the shop when he was 16 then later took over from his father at running the business, he still works in the shop doing all the coffee roasting. He appeared as we were talking about him and joined in telling me more about the shop's history (and some interesting things about a shop in Penrith).

So a big thank you to both these gentlemen for the interesting facts, letting me take photos and letting me come back with my tripod sometime to get some more photos. you see, an exciting trip to the loo.

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