Aw please, Mummy!

19months 17 days

It's been lots of fun today! Katie woke once at 1.30 for a short time, but went back into her bed and slept til 6.15!! HURRAH! She was then on an eating mission - a banana, a weetabix, pineapple. Then we went to tea and toast. Two full slices of toast, a pot of strawberries, a tub of raisins. A cheese straw on the way home! She had lots of time running with Harrison and Emma before we left. She spent ten minutes running about with a bucket on her head, and thought she was hilarious.

She slept in the car as we went to pick up a friend for their birthday trip out. We went to the Humber Bridge nature park. Katie seemed to remember it from before and ran straight looking for dogs. She walked down the big steep steps and was very proud. We went down to the Foreshore, at which point she demanded to go in the river, which Mummy said no to (it's not very clean). She tried crouching down and doing the pictured reverse-crawl to get sneakily to the edge, but Mummy cottoned on!

We went to the park to distract her. She spent ages pushing Monkey on a swing before coming for some picnic. She loved the birthday cake, decided everyone else's crisps were better than hers and then ran off to climb. I managed to convince her that actualyl the little slide was fun and she enjoyed a few turns on that.

We went off into the woods and we did some scramble up some dirt banks, which she thought was fabulous. Her and I sat on a great rock formation and she looked like she was sat on a little throne, and didnt want to come down! She played in some tunnels, walked along a big thick tree branch, and had lots of time playing the leaves and mud. It was fabulous! Even Mummy had some climbing time, which I loved.

Just to finish off the day nicely, Harrison and Aiden have popped round for a play and some tea whilst their daddy puts up Katie's blackout blind. Hurrah again!

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