Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Finger-Pickin' Good...

I never got a chance to take a snap of The Princess on her actual birthday- a work related kerschmozzle (read "BIG FUCKING ROW!!") dovetailed the little party I threw for a few of her girlfriends and Darragh D, who, I have been told, is deffo not her boyfriend, Daddy, cos he is going out with some other bitch girl.

Anyhoo, having bought her the 3DS some six weeks ago, I told her that I would be buying no more presents (for the rest of the year, at least).
So I bartered one instead.
I swopped a couple of Confirmation portraits with the local nail technician, who did a bloody good job, which all the girlies at her other birthday party thought were the mutts nuts. (I'm sure that eleven year olds dont use that phrase. They probably thought it was gnarly, or groovy, or some similar jargon that the youth of today use to mangle the Queens English. Harrumph.)

Of course She, who, like her Da, is a compulsive fiddler and foosterer, managed to remove a good chunk of lacquer within a couple of days.

So- Happy Birthday, your Highness....

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