Gerda's Fotojournaal

By Gerda

Living on the edge

This is our last day here in Denmark. I would have loved to show you all the beautiful Danish houses. Al the flowers,birds, wheatfields, forest, beaches and rocks. But I have one Blip a day.
Today we walked in another forest next to Sonderborg. It is a forest full of beeches but also conifers such as pines. We walked to the coast and found a big pond full of waterbirds. There was no sun but a good temperature and very humid.
We enjoyed the view, This picture is the end of the wood and the beginning of the beach.. but 20 meters below.
The beeches grow next to the sea. That is so special to me. Maybe with very bad wheater the beech will fall down. I ve seen that it happened before.
Tomorrow we travel back home.

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