Clark Tales

By cclark

3 Course Dinner

Monday- knackered again! But totally worth it this weekend was actual amazeballs and only working a half day this morning - and it's double time! Yay

Came home and had a nap, before my mate Andy came over to see the new flat. After that it was time to head to Heathers to See her and the god kids - not had too much time for them due to the move.

It was a brilliant, 3 courses too! Starter was portobello mushrooms with philadelphia cheese. Main was chicken wrapped in bacon, cooked in a drizzle of maple syrup! That was lush, there were loadsa vegetables with it! Then we had chocolate eclairs lol! Here's course one and two, then part of Olivia's dinner, beans.

Thanks HEC for a brilliant night in, Lily is already 12 weeks now and making lots of noise and giggles already. X

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