
By lifeandstuff


Was lying in my bed around 11.45 when I woke from dozing (you know the nice bit when you are just nearly asleep?) and realised I hadn't taken a single photo. So... Cat on the end of the bed it is. Sorry. Except he chose this moment to move, and headbutt the phone. So in the time I took this I could gave got a much better one of something better. Anyhoo....

Going to see the wedding venue tomorrow. I reminded hubby we were going (at 3) and he said "aaaw, I wanted to go to an art gallery!" what is it with my boy, only able to do one thing a day?

Also, a client handed in an article for me on labyrinthitis. About a lady that had it for years and couldn't work out what it was. The headline was "memory like a sieve?"
Hubby chose the moment after I read it to say "we can watch a film on Friday, since I'm going to Dundee on Saturday." I have no recollection of him telling me, ever, that he is going to Dundee for the weekend. I'm going mad. :-(

But hey, other than that I am feeling a lot better, and can start to plan my wedding properly today. Yippee! :-)

Hope you have a great day! :-) xx

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