Bright flowers/dull day
For the last few days I've had a feeling like someone punched me in the nose, which today finally started resolving itself into a rotten cold and sinusitis. So, a miserable grumpy day for me, allieviated slightly by a Mr B roast chicken dinner and a couple of episodes of Spiral (French police series) on the DVD. And Conor was starting to show the signs of coming down with it too.
On the plus side, Katherine had another good riding lesson and the other mums who hang around to watch the fun have started talking to me, which makes it less boring. Though I'm sure watching me trying to string together a sentence is quite dull for them. Much hilarity with the relay races (Katherine always does really well being very competitive and having the biggest fastest pony so I try and keep smugness in check and cheer for everyone) and at Katherine intently listening to an explanation by one of the tutors as to why you must never put the reins over your head (one girl had tried this as she kept dropping her reins). Katherine watched and saw the demonstration of what you must "jamais" do.... and so of course copied exactly what the teacher was demonstrating you should "never' do. We had a little lesson on negatives when we got home.
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