
By Saffi

Welcome rain!

Just an easy one today. We have at last had a substantial amount of rain which hopefully will get the grass growing again!

I limpingly mowed the lawn this morning before the heavy showers and then visited the chyropractor this afternoon to see why my aching leg was getting worse - my pelvis is out of alignment shortening one leg which makes sense but I will have to have a course of treatment as the muscles get used to working with the incorrect position. I miss my Ma as she always put any bad back, neck, shoulder, etc, right and it was all free!

The little dehydrated calf we rescued is doing so well running about with its mother and other heifers and the young bull, so long may it continue. We also had another calf born while N and I were away, that makes 23 this year.

A young Greater Spotted Woodpecker was sitting on the garden table this morning.

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