Back in 5. Or tomorrow.

By mly

Happy Birthday to me!

My birthday today :) Since it's Easter though, we spent the day with Andreas family at their summer house in the southern archipelago of Göteborg, eating and searching for eggs (and other related foodstuffs). The weather was wonderfully sunny but ice cold, so we stayed indoors most of the day. Now we've just arrived home again - stopping to eat out on our way back from Styrsö (the island where the house is) at a fantastic little Italian restaurant with the most wonderful food. Mmm mmm!

The pic is of Styrsö, taken from the boat as we arrived. The house is kindof small and white and in the middle by the water. The flag was on the boat, but is of course added after :)

Btw... it's my birthday, WHERE IS MY BALLOON?? *Em votes for adding birthday balloons*

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