Excitement as Club107 spot the One year ago images

First of all I'd like to thank everyone who commented on yesterday's shot(s). Banned on my blipday, I wasn't actually banking on that to be honest but apologies if I really offended anyone. I discussed with a friend who preferred a different shot, I was laughing and the number 1 son was smiling, I liked the contrast between austere father and joyous son, for anyone that knows me, they will know this is several kilometres from the truth. It was a hell of a day as well, yesterday, quite weird blipping that early but as I knew I had a mega day in the office, the added spice of having a blip pulled for the first time was something I hadn't bargained for. I have to say I wouldn't have attempted something like that had I not seen some excellent photos from Stewart Bremner and LifeofTiree which bared as much.

In any case, thanks for the reaction, I received several (well 2) compliments (from my family), 2 restraining orders, one bag of dog biscuits, 3 offers to help with gardening (seemingly my lady legs, did not inspire much confidence), several promises of food parcels and somehow I found a live goat in my garden this morning.

Today was very much more of the same, more unmitigated madness inside Acme Corp, more desperate dashing around, oh lordy, bring on the beaches in July. More mega showers and brilliant sunshine, news of another French friend coming to Scotland for some interesting concerts which I'm very much looking forward to. Yes today was another mad one.

It should be noted that last year we had the remnants of the purple lilac which vanished two weeks ago. Hmm.


PS I actually managed to combine the surprise of a strategically positioned treat for the summer holidays with the apparition of year ago images. I seriously wonder if I am putting in too much effort sometimes...

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