A day at a time....

By Trotsky

Same View

You must be getting bored with this view! This view in sunshine, stormy weather, clouds etc. But you're getting it again.

It amazes me the way the light at different times of the day changes the same view. Today around 7.00pm the sun was starting to set. Our side of the hill was caste in shadow but down there the countryside was bathed in beautiful sunset light.

I love the sky here. There's so much of it.
I love the view from our front balconies. There's so much of it.

In the centre and to the left of this picture is a thin strip of white, that's Villafranca de los Barros.
To the right of that and slightly below is a clump of white, that's Fuente del Maestre.
The faint blue hills in the background are, I think, the Sierra de Pinos.


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