party of 5

By partyof5


This week has been a hard one for me. I have been very emotional over the last few days about several different things. Sam's last day of school is tomorrow , knowing he is changing schools and the thought of missing some special friends that he and we as a family have made there is sad. My Dad's retirement party and some family issues surrounding it have all been trying on my heart. Today I awoke to my husband telling me his car broke down and we know it is going to cost a lot to repair. It is money that we don't have right now. After breaking down and crying on the phone to my good friend and then later to my Mom. I had to remember these are all small things in the big picture of life. It also made me think of this song and it helped calm me and think of all the blessings in our lives and all that I have to be thankful for. I am especially thankful for our amazingly wonderful friends and neighbors that let us borrow their extra car which helped Paul make it to work on time. I know everything will work out, it always does. We are surrounded by family and friends that support and love us and that matters more than anything money can buy. If you have a chance listen to the song, I think it's beautiful.

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