A Pic is Worth a 1000 Words.

By AgrawalKrish

Sun Shades

Nothing Crazy to mention here today... WAIT.... "Someone stole my CAR.." today.

My friend had to give his car to get some repair done.

He doesn't have "Permanent Licence" so couldn't drive it alone till mechanic shop.

I parked my car infront of his house and dropped his car to 'Norm the Tire Man' (very near to my office) for repaire.

Was suppose to drive his car back and take my car home.

Later in the afternoon came to know that car can't be fixed today and will be given tomorrow.


Wait... I've a meeting @ 17:00 in another office. HOW WILL I GO THERE NOW ?

One of my team mate dropped me to the another office building.

Meeting got delayed and came out at around 18:45.

Called up my friend saying my meeting is over now I'll come and pick my car from your apartment.

BUT Your car is not here, I thought you already took it.

WHAT... I just came out of the meeting... & I'm coming there..

Come but your car is not here..

Don't play tricks man...

NO Krish car is really not here, I thought you took it in the evening.

I am going home with my colleague I'll come with someone there in sometime.

Shall we go to Police Station ?

Lemme come then will call 911.

First thing First: Went to Memorial Park for a blip.

Called up my friend, I'm in the park infront of your apartment.

wow, I was about to call you, we are also coming out of our apartment to go to park, We can see you in Yellow T-Shirt.

WE also found your car. Its parked here near to lease office.

what's this all going on ?? How come my car is parked there ?

You only would have done this man.

Arrey I'm coming by walk you saw me. What is happening in this community ? someone relocates my car.

Who would steal your car man, there are many more cars to steal here.


Finally I had to tell him that I only came with "my team mate" just before meeting and drove the car to another office building. LATER came back in car, parked it near to leasing office and went to park for a blip. & called him.

Thought of doing something crazy and this notable incident took place..


** Straight Out of the Black Box.

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