
By Poppy

Happy Easter!

These are what we call Pace Eggs - a derivation of pace peace? pascal? My mother comes from Northumberland, and Granny and she always made them, so I am carrying on the tradition. Don't know how many other folk still make them. Any one out there know anything about them?

The eggs are wrapped in flowers and brown onion skins and then tied up individually in pieces of cloth. They are then boiled for 15 minutes or so. When they are cold, rub a bit of oil into them. Traditionally then they were rolled down hillsides, but they are a bit too bonny for that in my book!

This year, with Easter being so early, and the weather being so grim, there are very few little flowers about. I had only daffs and some purpley pink drumstick primulas to use. Some leaves give nice shapes and colours too. Just a case of experimenting, quite exciting because until you unwrap them, you don't know what they will look like..

Well, the festive snow is falling so I'm going to get all my layers on and Ollie and I are going to go out and enjoy it! Have a happy and peaceful Easter, everyone!

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