
By Exbeeb

Swan Upping

I thought the Queen owned all the swans in England but apparently she only has the ones on the River Thames.

The name Swan Upping is simply the name given to a census of swans, carried out each year. Members of two Livery Companies of the City of London, the Dyers and the Vintners (you see them at the Lord Mayor's Parade in November) and the Queen's Swan Uppers row the river gathering the swans. Those caught by the Fyers and Vintners are ringed by them while those caught by the Uppers remain un-ringed and it is these that belong to the Monarch.

In days of old, the two Livery Companies and of course the Queen were allowed to eat the swans, but nowadays I suspect they're either vegetarian or shop at Fortnum & Masons.

This swan is unlikely to have any Upping of any kind, being so far from the Thames.

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