Colorful Life Journey

By suriLife

Lost on Ice

I would like to thank blippers that had commented on my previous blip. I do appreciate it very much though. It lifted my spirit. After feeling kind of sad yesterday, I decided to sew a skirt and off to the ice skating rink in the afternoon to practice.

While practicing on the rink, I saw another girl that is in my training program. It's her birthday, we chatted. That girl is 8 years old now and very friendly with me. She's so cute too. Somehow, people thought that am a teenager when am already in my 30s.

Anyway, nowadays I tend to get lost on ice while skating and listening to music from my ipod. I guess it takes my mind off things, and on ice, am able to dance and just be me. But yesterday I got me a couple of stalkers. These girls kept following me, and finally, I stopped and asked them.

I find it interesting to know that many kids and even adults here are ignorant of the places of worship for people of different faith. They thought everybody go to church. Well, here is some educational equivalent perhaps:

Muslims go to Mosque
Jews go to Synagogue
Hindus go to Temples same with Buddhists

I was taught about this in Elementary school in Singapore, a place where I was born and raised.

Finally, these girls stopped stalking me though after I chatted with them. Geezzz!!!
On another note, I made this cake today. To those who are hungry.. Enjoy and Happy Holidays!!!

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