The Wolf Journal

By wolfjournal

The beast... or the beauty

A tribute to the fly.

Yes, it may be ugly. And it may be quite annoying zooming around your head. But there is beauty in this beast too. But we are to harsh on him; What would the fly think of all the name-calling and, in the worst case, the moment before death is upon him when the whisk lands down on it? Everyday living with the knowledge it is being disliked, hated even. I feel I am obliged to do a good word for him. The fly fulfills its function in this world, and because of its ugliness the rest of the world is posh. We should respect this beautiful animal.

In other words, the backyard was the only place today I went with the camera and the fly was the only thing of mild interest to photograph...

At this point I am starting to wonder if a proper macro lens would give better results (or more maginifcation) than my extension tubes. Any thoughts on the matter?

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