As my mood grabs me...

By AlisonM


A constructive day today. Yesterday afternoon the window chaps rang to see if they could fit my two new big windows today and needless to say I said yes.

They arrived promptly, took about three hours and were away by noon. I spent the time tidying up the back of the house and although not perfect it looks better.

I was in two minds about going into work this afternoon but as I was actually enjoying the blitzing and amazingly making progress I decided to continue with that. Ok, I stopped about three times for 10 minutes to read in the sunshine but the clouds kept coming over which was probably just as well.

So the windows are done - I need to get them back as one lock seems to be duff and some render needs patching up but I have every confidence that they'll be back next week to sort that out for me.

Meanwhile whilst tidying up I found my lightbox so hooked it up to the mains adapter and chopped up a Kiwi Fruit I've had hanging about for a week or so. Needless to say once I was finished with it I devoured it and have three more to munch on later :)

So the weekend is here, I have a bottle of wine in the fridge and who knows what I'll do - the world is my oyster. Ok, as far as I can get using my bus pass is my oyster if I don't want to spent even more money this month!

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