And that's how I feel now. I love going on holiday self-catering, but boy it's a lot of work. I have decanted ingredients, packed up groceries, sorted a bag full of home cooked meals in the freezer, tried to get it all into bags and boxes to fit into the car (stupid back seats don't fold down. They do in my little Micra). Then I thought we ought to take some clothes; and being Scotland this meant taking summer and winter gear. Sorted Freddie's care out with a neighbour, he who has been Velcro like all day long. The cat not the neighbour. Now off to bed with the alarm set for 4:30am, though I should be used to these early mornings by now.

Seems like I will be internet-less for the fortnight, so goodbye for now, take care all, and catch up with you when I get back. Be happy. Think I will; I've never needed a holiday more!

And I didn't notice the little bug until I put this on the computer!

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