Don't Look Back

By JEP27


I went for a walk this morning between school contracts instead of sitting in the car doing puzzles. It was lovely. I followed the public footpath towards the gypsum works at Kirkby Thore. The sky was lovely and dark, the fields were golden, there were lovely shaped trees and loads of pretty lambs. It was all ever so beautiful.

We had a busy day at work and everything went well.

Then we had an office meeting...

I came home feeling that I didn't know whether I was going to growl or cry!

So we all took the dogs out, took some lovely pictures of the fading sun and the beautiful clouds over the lakeland fells.

Then we went to the supermarket.... (Sssh... and I snuck to the chip shop for my tea...naughty I know!)

So after all the lovely coloured pictures I took I felt the need to blip THIS! And then to add insult to injury I can't think of a title... so you get UNTITLED!

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