Alex photo diary

By Alex170211

Early morning in the big Grannies house

Had a busy morning already woke at 5.30 but got back to sleep for another hour. Had my breakfast, then my first shower like a big girl, with Gran. The Grannies then got out their new toy. Can you believe they hung me up from the door frame and told me to bounce around. It was so much FUN!!! I felt like a wee kangaroo lol. It also makes a change from the usual positions, lying down or sitting is as much as I can do so far.
Here I am with Abuela Bego, she is looking a bit tired as she is not really a morning person....I'm away back to bed for a mid morning siesta. I need my beauty sleep as we are going out to see some naked people on this weather? Locos!!!
Laters dude

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