Myriad of Memories

By Shamoo

Oh Beeeeehave!!

Yes it's another flying bee shot! I am obsessed with getting a good flying bee! I think this one was better than yesterday but the bee is not as pretty, just your plain old bog standard bee!
Tomorrow I might try photographing something new you never know!!!
His lordship is feeling a bit better but still full of it. Tissues everywhere! What makes it worse is that Roggy has an obsession with tissues and keeps chewing them up! Gross!!
Roggy is developing some really bad habits at the moment - being really naughty - so we will be retraining the little madam as she seems to have forgotten everything! Might have to blip her being naughty so you can see for yourself!
Hope everyone is well, sorry I've been a bit lapse on comments, been really busy - just about finding enough time to blip!! xx

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