
Back to my favourite place today with Mum, Gran and Auntie Katie, to find out more about the solar system as part of the Glasgow Science Festival. The nice people there helped me to make a rocket that I blasted by blowing through a straw, a stargazing tube of the constellation Sagittarius, and a star map, so that Mum can point out the constellations in the night sky to me (theoretically, although I don't think we'll be getting much stargarzing done in this weather!). I told the nice man that I was going to see the flying dolphins next. Then we went to the Environment Discovery Centre and had lunch while listening to the organ recital. After lunch we went upstairs to the art galleries, and I had loads of fun running along the long corridors. We went to see the Christ of St John of the Cross painting in it's new location. I was very impressed with it, although I thought Mum and Auntie Katie were taking too long, so I said, "come on youse, let's go somewhere else." So Mum decided it was time to go home.

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