just allan

By allan

Capital Spaces

The lads making a break for the cinema in Edinburgh today. It rained and rained so we took the bus that takes us pretty much door to door. We saw Kung Fu Panda 2, which I recommend. Great fun! Dotty and her little lads came along too. The poor soul was all ironed out but it was great to say hello and to be honest if we weren't meeting up I would probably have bailed out of the trip, so thanks Dotty dear! Hope you survived Ikea on a wet Saturday afternoon... :/

First thing today, I had to get Katie 5 miles to & from Darwin's party in Stenton before we set off for Edinburgh, which was a major logistical challenge made all the more 'interesting' by the rain. Poppy & Keira's parents very kindly took her up there, and Gordon & I headed up on the bike with the trailer to get her early. She didn't want to leave, (un)surprisingly enough! So Chris & Mike's parents offered to take her for the day and Gordon & I set off back down the hill at top speed.

I was absolutely soaked to the skin when we got home, Gordon was dry in his trailer and the big lads threw on their jackets whilst I swapped my wetsuit for a dry option. We ran to the bus stop... and made it. Phew! Relax. On the bus we made an alphabetic list of '-ing' words on my phone, which was surprisingly fun. Gordon observation of the day, when typing things on my phone: You don't get capital spaces.

After the cinema (with a big bag of Tesco Meal Deals, cheapo Dad that I am...) we went to John Lewis and got some toys for Gordon's birthday including a nice wee travel chess set to go with his chess book. Now we're playing dominoes and he's already beaten me fair and square 3 times in a row!

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