Muuum... I'm still hungreeeee....
...Or Dad!
Both parent wood pigeons took turns to feed the youngster today, and I couldn't tell the difference between the male and female; the behaviour of both was so similar.
This is one very demanding baby!
I love the way the little one 'hooks' the parent under it's wing!
I'm behind with comments (again) but for a reason of pleasure this time; we were at a comedy show last night.
I was delighted that suitable homage was paid to a much missed favourite of mine, Linda Smith. I hardly ever switch on a comedy show on Radio Four without missing her all over again. I regret never sending a fan letter to her, but I'm hopeless with appreciative letters. I've never sent one despite having written many.
Whatever I write always sounds kind of cheesy, but in a stalker-ish way.
And today, instead of blipping, I went shopping to my favourite gadget shop and spent my first new wages (and the rest!) on cooking pans. Sad? Well yes. But I'm utterly pink with delight! And tonight is definitely red wine night! Cheers all!
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