Planko's Pics

By planko


Today was a good day, even if it did rain all day long.

We left this house this morning on a mission to find a new car for me, as my little commuter car goes back to the lease company next month and i've decided to buy rather than lease again.

As I'm 6 foot 4 and sit with the drivers seat as far back as it goes, the kids have started to complain that theres no room in the back for them. I've started noticing it too as Pesky Princess is constantly pushing her knees into my back on long journeys.

So, we left this morning looking to buy a 4x4 and in the end returned home having bought a Merc!

Travelled miles, drove several cars, sat in many more, and in the end the Merc was the quietest, most comfortable, a good deal, reasonable on the fuel etc etc (do you think I've justified it enough?). I can always give it to Mrs P in the future and get myself a 4x4 when we win the lottery ;)


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