
Eco mum was at hairdresser thsi morning. Eco son wanted to got mountain biking, Geln tress was first request, I refused to taxi there and back. Compromise and Bonaly the venue. I took Juno for a walk in the area, met a guy from work and we chatted and walked the dogs.

We met up with eco son bombing down the hill, Juno set off and chased him, I was waiting for a scream and crash but it did not happen. Picked up eco mum after haridressers. Popped to the cold allotment, what is going on with the weather all my courgettes and pumpkins are struggling. I was limited to greenhouse activity.

Bakc home and wood burner on and read the papers, made tea and watched war movies.

Went to the theatre tonight on my own to see 'Knives in Hens', I enjoyed it and it nicely rounded off my Saturday. Back home and the garage door is knackered.

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