A time for everything

By turnx3

Calm before the storm

The day started with some sunshine, but soon became overcast and heavy, though the temperatures remained warm. The air was incredibly still in the morning when I took this shot of reflections in the bird bath. Around the house, however, things were anything but still - we had the heatiing and air-conditioning guys in servicing the air-conditioning - it had been working fine, but we thought it was time to have it checked over, and we had roofing people in doing work on the roof - so with all their banging, it wasn't very still and quiet in the house! I managed to get out for a swim in the afternoon, though I didn't swim as far as I usually do. It was late afternoon into the evening when the storms began rolling through, with quite a lot of thunder and lightening. Roger was participating in a work 5k run/walk event after work - he got well and truly drenched, and they scrapped the award ceremony afterwards because of the lightening.

One year ago: All in a line

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