Black Eyes
While eating last night the rain found its voice again, and in the relentless manner of a Coldplay album was still going in the morning. So what to do? Shopping, that's what!
With Mel's Canadian(ish born Scottish) cousin getting married in a few weeks Skye Skyns provided a shipped sheepskin, while we took (yet another) one home with us; Edinbane pottery was visited with a view to another beer tankard, but instead gave us two fantastic goblets; and the Orbost Gallery continues to promote the work of Paul Kershaw, and so I'm now the proud owner of my fourth of his woodcuts.
With the rain finally abated, but dinner to be had, and more walking rolls to be baked, there was time for a quick trip down to Meanish Pier on Loch Pooltiel, which we can see from the cottage, and which is a haunt of Sea Otters. Sadly none were on show, but gruff sheep, Gannets, Black Guillemots, and lazing Seals made up for it. The pier itself is a typical run down affair, the sort of which pepper the island, but ignoring the ramshackle building with assorted discarded disposable barbecues, general detritus, and rusting barber's chair (?) the wildlife and scenery continue to divert the attention.
Mel, meanwhile, tried to get her head around life, the universe and everything in Stephen Hawking's Brief History of Time...
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